Project Description
Fred is a Founding Member of the New Jersey Scout Museum. He started Scouting in the Ridgewood-Glen Rock Council in North Jersey before joining
Monmouth Council. As a registered Scout and Scouter for more than forty-five years, he has enjoyed volunteering in Cubs, Webelos, Scouts, Exploring and Venturing. Fred helped lead a P2K Philmont Trek in 2000, serves on Council-wide committees, is a Brotherhood member of NaTsiHi Lodge 71, and his Wood Badge project was developing an archives for his Scout Troop in Middletown.
He has an undergraduate degree from Syracuse University, and a Masters in Library Science from Columbia University and holds certification as a Distinguished Member of the Academy of Health Information Professionals. Professionally he works as a Medical Librarian for Monmouth Medical Center, an academic teaching hospital.
Fred has consulted on history projects throughout the tri-state area, and lectured on Scouting, archival and history topics at local organizations, public libraries, historical societies, and professional conferences.